Body Stress In The Legs

The legs are our mobility limbs, they move us from A to B and all points in between. They are also our supporting limbs, carrying the whole weight of our body up the legs to the pelvis and though the spine to the rest of the body. Long ago we were on our feet constantly, working in the fields or hunting for food, and as being made to move, they were well exercised. Sadly, today we are more sedentary, we sit more at work, driving to and from, and at home in front of the TV. We get less day-to-day generic living exercise than previously and now find ourselves going to the gym and the like to improve muscles and core strength.

As limbs, the legs are at the end of a nervous system originating from the brain and ending like a root system at the feet. Our lower backs are of primary importance to leg health as the Sciatic nerve originates from the L3 vertebrae in the lower back. Our modern lifestyles have too much sitting and the sedentary nature of much of our work may result in poor posture and issues with the lower back, pelvis, and legs due to locked-in tension possibly affecting the sciatic nerve.

The Body Stress Release technique has a primary focus to address issues relating to the spine and locked-in tension. We find, while working on the spine during each session, there is the most chance to affect the working of the whole body. To that end, working on the spine in the lower back area, effects the Sciatic nerve which controls and effects all the sensations in both legs. Many of the issues described by clients are radiated pain or transferred sensations originating from locked in tension in the lower back area.

As our body is symmetrical, issues relate to both legs as one leg or hip locks in tension so it might affect the other leg causing hip pain or leg tension. This is especially so with computer workers who often spend 8 hours per day sitting down and therefore under-using the leg muscles and thus compromising the lower back. As practitioners we can test and release individual muscles and by this method we can trace lines of tension connected across sets of muscles in the lower back, pelvis, hip, and leg areas. In cases where we are not able to release tension in the lower back to affect the legs, the practitioner will work directly on the hips, legs, knees, or feet at the site of the actual pain or sensation.


Sciatica (as diagnosed by doctors) or intense shooting sciatic pain is a top-10 issue we see in our Body Stress Release practices. Often it is related to locked-in tension in the lower back, pelvis and buttock area. The sciatic nerve is a large bundle of nerves originating from the lower back spine, and passing under the gluteus maximus muscles in the buttock area. It is about the width of your little finger and often affected by locked-in tension in other muscles in that area. With our technique we are able to determine which muscles store lacked-in tension causing sciatic pain and we work to release all the tension affecting the length of the sciatic nerve.

Hip Pain

Hip pain often results from a lack of core strength in the pelvis muscles resulting in hip pain and hip stiffness. It can also originate from the lower back and sciatic nerve, since issues in the lower back often cause hip pain and hip stiffness. Practitioners test and work to determine which muscles may be in tension and release these to ease muscle tightness and locked-in tension. Hips do sometimes degenerate from excessive wear and BSR Practitioners often see clients as part of their post hip-operation recovery process and in conjunction with physiotherapy programs

Iliotibial band (ITB) Issues

The Iliotibial Band is a thick band of tissue that runs down the outside of your thigh. It extends all the way from your hip bone to the top of your shinbone on each leg. When you bend and extend your leg, this band moves over the outer lower edge of your thighbone. ITB pains, and ITB issues are often seen in runners, and in conjunction with knee-pains and knee issues from overuse or poor running postures. Body stress may be present in the ITB due to a variety of other daily factors and poor postures and practitioners can test and release stress in the ITB.

Knee Pain & Knee Stiffness

The knee joint is one of the most basic, and simple, one-directional hinge joints in the body. That said, it takes all the body weight and a great deal of general and impact stress from daily movement. It is a complex arrangement of muscles and tendons that keep the knee joint rigid and which are prone to stress, from carrying too much weight, overuse and underuse, poor sitting posture and poor standing posture etc. Practitioners have stress tests and releases for this joint and could relieve issues associated with Knee Pain & Knee Stiffness.

Leg Sensations

Our clients often complain of a variety of leg complaints such as leg pains, tired legs, weak legs, heavy legs or restless legs. These sensations we record in terms of when they occur during the day, how often they occur, and the level of sensation intensity. In this way we baseline what could sometimes be difficult to determine and describe problems, often to quite debilitating levels. As practitioners are not qualified to diagnose medical issues. We work to define client sensations – how they feel, and how they recover are defined largely by our clients. By releasing stress in the lower back and legs, often the sensations of leg pains, tired legs, weak legs, heavy legs or restless legs reduce over time, and often during the initial three sessions we recommend.

Calf Pains

Calf Pains are very common and often associated with dehydration and lack of magnesium in the body. Your practitioner will most likely ask you about these while taking a full case history. Calf Pains, Calf Spasms, and Calf cramps may also be caused by body stress either in the muscles in the calf or radiated down the sciatic nerve and leg nervous system. Practitioners work initially in the lower back to effect the sciatic nerves but can test and release in any part of the body to locate and release stress, such as in the lower leg muscles and calf muscles.

Foot pains & foot stiffness & ankle issues

The foot and ankle are where all our body weight is displaced to the ground. It is where our human ‘rubber meets the road’! Foot pain, foot stiffness and ankle issues are often, but not solely, caused by radiated pains stemming from locked-in body stress further up the leg. Our practitioners often have success in releasing stress in the lower back to relieve foot issues, but can work on the muscles in the ankle and foot area to locate and release stress.

**Information presented here is not qualified medical advice, as BSR is a non-medical and non-therapeutic technique. Nothing expressed herein creates a BSR Practitioner-Client relationship.

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